
December 27, 2010

Back in Business

This morning I woke up really early anticipating the arrival of a maid to clean the house.  I arranged for her visit last week through some friends who use her quite regularly.  I had never thought at 25 years old I would have or need a maid, but living in a two bedroom/two bathroom, working a decent amount, and never ending amounts of dust lead me to call out for help.  It also helps that the average maid starts at a dollar an hour here in Vietnam.

The maid was supposed to start at 10, so I got up early to straighten and organize the house.  We had a lot of little messes in every corner.  By the time 10 rolled around, our apartment was free of all clutter which unfortunately made the un-swept floors and dusty table tops even more apparent.  At 10, I finally sat down and ate a yogurt.  I like to freeze them, what a refreshing 110 calorie treat!
I opened my current book, Museum of Innocence, and started reading.  I didn't look up until noon!  The maid never came to interrupt me.  I was very disappointed about the mix-up (did our friends neglect to organize it? was the maid ill or did she get lost?) because I put my whole day on hold waiting for her.  Gavin and I decided to hang round the house today in case she showed up, but she never did. 

I went ahead and made Gavin and I some lunch around one.  Our stir-fry included egg noodles, tofu, various veggies and chunks of fresh pineapple.  I wasn't feeling too hungry so I just had a few bites off Gavin's plate.
I spent my day reading and took a nap in the afternoon.  Although I have the night off, Gavin had to work.  Just before he left, I made him a little something to hold him over until his work provided dinner.  Instant noodle soup!  It was all I really had that was fast and easy laying around the house.  We had two packages and split them 70/30 since I've not really been hungry all day.
It doesn't look like much, mostly because I didn't put the dried mushroom seasoning in mine, but it was pretty good.  Half egg noodles and half rice noodles, an interesting combo!

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